The New Year brings new energy and hope to continue building a better future. We firmly believe that social entrepreneurship has the power to transform realities and that is why, for 2025, our commitment is clear: to remain focused on the projects we support, giving them greater visibility, strengthening strategic alliances and generating new resources to maximize their impact.
Colombia faces enormous social challenges that demand bold solutions. Thirty-nine percent of the population lives in poverty and 12% in extreme poverty. Inequality and the limited capacities of many entities that are part of the social fabric are challenges that we view with great responsibility and that also drive us to act. At ONE, we believe in innovative ways of addressing problems and in sustainable models that generate significant changes.
In 2024, we were able to train 10 social enterprises, benefiting more than 50,000 vulnerable people. For the coming year, we hope to strengthen the visibility of the projects we currently support, such as the Mobile School of Barismo – One Forest, La Pascasia, Patios Productivos, the Metropolitan Ballet of Medellin and 4Impact.
2025 will be the period to consolidate strategic alliances because we are sure of how powerful we are when we collaborate with others and join forces. ONE is a call to collective action.
We are all ONE building a better future, more inclusive, equitable and prosperous; one that fosters freedom and enhances the dignity of people.