We finished three days of participation in #ImpactWeek in Turin, Italy. We would need a lot of space to tell you about all the lessons learned due to the quality of the event, the participants and the discussions that originated around social impact, but we try to share with you here the most relevant in three points:
A decisive decade
We are at a turning point between the traditional philanthropy we knew several years ago, and the need to achieve more proven impact with increasingly insufficient money.
Ways to put the social world to work
Effective use of catalytic capital is essential to solving some of the world’s most critical challenges.
Catalytic capital, more patient and risk-tolerant investments that are more flexible than conventional capital, is one of the fastest growing themes in impact investing.
It is considered an essential tool for seeding, scaling and sustaining impact because it provides investments that help get projects off the ground, creating a track record that can attract more capital to riskier opportunities.
Catalytic capital unlocks investments that would not otherwise be possible, expanding opportunities, strengthening communities and driving innovation that benefits both people and the planet.
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We need action, and there are many ways to get it
- Let’s build new impact funds and support existing ones.
- Let’s create ever-widening communities of impact agents and organizations of meaningful exchanges. Less ego and more collective.
- Let’s enhance respectful dialogues in all public spheres.
- Let’s help spread impact stories that inspire and motivate others.