About One Social Investment

Hands of a group of people holding a plant together, highlighting the importance of social impact projects that promote equitable development and sustainable growth.

Our mision

We make social impact projects that promote equitable and sustainable development more efficient and sustainable, with the contribution of patient capital and valuable strategic support.

We have the ability to provide resources and management to social projects and initiatives to make them more strategic and attractive to other foundations, contributors and organizations that want to join and multiply their impact.

We work closely with our allies to identify opportunities for growth, innovation and social transformation.

Driving positive change through social investment and high-impact projects at One Social Investment in Colombia.

Our vision

We aspire to be an active part of a new way of developing social works, more efficient and capable of sustaining themselves over time, multiplying their positive impact.

We will be a bridge between social investors, philanthropists, and agents of change who are carrying out high-impact projects in Colombia. Our mission at One Social Investment is to promote social investment that drives positive change, generates financial returns, and contributes significantly to sustainable development, overcoming inequalities.

Our Values

We change the world, project by project! We bring together knowledge from the business world with the experience and dedication of organizations committed to social change, fostering impactful initiatives in Colombia.

  • imWe are based on trust, respect for diversity, the strengthening leadership and caring for the planet, to promote social transformation.ge

    Social Transformation

    We are based on trust, respect for diversity, the strengthening leadership and caring for the planet, to promote social transformation. We create a community for and by impact through collaborative work, bringing together social initiatives and investors in one space

  • imWe believe that by joining forces we can collectively build the solutions we long for as a society.ge

    Collective Construction

    We believe that by joining forces we can collectively build the solutions we long for as a society.

  • imWe recognize the dignity of people and exalt their talents.ge


    We recognize the dignity of people and exalt their talents.

  • imWe want to inspire others to join our commitment to invest with a purpose beyond financial.ge

    Inspiring others

    We want to inspire others to join our commitment to invest with a purpose beyond financial.

  • imIcon of a piggy bank receiving money, capital in the context of Sustainable Development.

    Capital power

    We see in the capital a powerful force for change and the transformation of realities.

Our history

Groups of young people displaying their diplomas, strategic projects aimed at improving people's quality of life, Learn about our mission to promote social investment and high-impact projects at One Social Investment.


We have been working since 2018 as Fundación Viva in alliance with the first low-cost airline that Colombia had, with a clear commitment to the country’s development and the generation of sustainable opportunities to break cycles of poverty through education, inclusion, and biodiversity conservation.

A smiling child holding binoculars in his hands.One Social Investment: Empowering social investors and philanthropists for positive change and high-impact projects in Colombia.


We transformed to be ONE, Social Investment of patient capital, with the higher purpose of building a better future through projects of proven impact and with the conviction of being able to attract more resources for sustainable development and overcoming inequalities. We took the experience of 5 years being Fundación Viva and changed to continue contributing to the country, now with a drive that allows us to go further.

Throughout our career, these are the projects we have supported

Team One Social Investment

image Monica is a business administrator and specialist in Strategic Management. Her integrity, transparency, and sensitivity to social issues make her a woman who brings positive changes to society through the empowerment of people's skills. Her greatest motivation is leading the mission of ONE and spearheading projects that generate sustainable value and promote new initiatives.

Mónica Gil


Monica is a business administrator and specialist in Strategic Management. Her integrity, transparency, and sensitivity to social issues make her a woman who brings positive changes to society through the empowerment of people’s skills. Her greatest motivation is leading the mission of ONE and spearheading projects that generate sustainable value and promote new initiatives.

image Tatiana is a communications specialist with a Master's degree in Administration and Marketing. She leverages her ideas and initiatives to impact communities through significant projects. What she enjoys most about her role is discovering new opportunities, thanks to the support of great partners, to reach more places and people.

Tatiana Vásquez

Managin Director

Tatiana is a communications specialist with a Master’s degree in Administration and Marketing. She leverages her ideas and initiatives to impact communities through significant projects. What she enjoys most about her role is discovering new opportunities, thanks to the support of great partners, to reach more places and people.

image Sara is business administrator , specialist in Leadership and teamwork, and Master in Business Administration and management. Her resilience has been an example for Viva throughout her 6 years working for the airline. She began her approach to the foundation as a volunteer and thanks passion, solidarity and sense of collaboration, since January 2022 she has been working for social tranformation.

Sara Gutiérrez

Social Impact Investment Manager

Sara is business administrator, specialist in Leadership and teamwork, and Master in Business Administration and management. Her resilience has been an example for Viva throughout her 6 years working for the airline. She began her approach to the foundation as a volunteer and thanks passion, solidarity and sense of collaboration, since January 2022 she has been working for social tranformation.

Advisory Group

Rafael Aubad, Economist from the University of Antioquia and a postgraduate from the University of Paris. A prominent professional in the field of investment and social development. He is known for his role as rector of the University of Antioquia (UdeA) and president of Proantioquia.

Rafael Aubad López

Economist from the University of Antioquia and postgraduate degree from the University of Paris. Prominent professional in the field of investment and social development. Known for his role as rector of the UdeA and president of Proantioquia.

Juan Manuel Higuita, Executive Director of Créame Business Incubator and Accelerator. He is a Business Administrator, Specialist in Market Management and Global Management, and holds an MBA.

Juan Manuel Higuita

Executive Director of Créame Incubadora y Aceleradora de Empresas. Business Administrator, Specialist in Management of Global Markets and Management and MBA.

Sara Calvo, PhD in Business Sciences. Expert in entrepreneurship and social innovation worldwide. Co-founder of the company Minca, responsible for our training process in Social Management in Spain.

Sara Calvo

PhD in the field of Business. Expert in entrepreneurship and social innovation worldwide. Co-founder of the company Minca, in charge of our training process in Social Management in Spain.

María Inés is a consultant for the design of strategies, policies, and social programs. She served as the director of Comfama for 30 years.

María Inés De Restrepo Arango

Consultant for the design of social strategies, policies and social programmes. She was director of Comfama for 30 years.

Germán Zuñiga Saavedra is the co-founder and CEO of Bentura Consulting and Benfit. He focuses on providing strategic solutions and consulting to improve business performance and operational efficiency.

Germán Zúñiga Saavedra

He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Bentura Consulting and Benfit. He is focused on providing strategic solutions and consulting to improve business performance and operational efficiency.

Jose Daniel Porras Nicholls is a lawyer specialized in Public Law from EAFIT University and holds a Master's in Business Administration and Management from EAE Business School and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Jose Daniel Porras Nicholls

He is a lawyer with a specialisation in Public Law from the University of EAFIT and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management at EAE Business School and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

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